
The Turkey Paradox - Muslim and Islamophobic
There are few societies in which the veil and the cocktail dress coexist for long. One usually drives the other out.

Fatma [reading paper]: Mustafa, the Islamalists are back again. They're back in the schools, the bureaucracy, they want to ban booze, outlaw adultery, and now the president's wife is going to wear a headscarf.

Mustafa: What? Again! Darn, I was going to wash the carpet today! Eighty years of freedom and they still want to go back to sharia. OK, call the army, grab the flags, I'll grab the Ataturk picture and let's hit the streets. A few hundred thousand protestors, a new election, and we'll be sweet.

[reading again]: Mustafa, Mark Steyn says we're doomed.

Mustafa: What? We beat the Australians, we can handle the Islamists. The army will fix it like they always do.

Fatma: No, listen ...
"Ataturk’s modern secular Turkey has simply been outbred by fiercely Islamic Turkey. That’s a lesson in demography from an all-Muslim sample: no pasty white blokes were involved. So the fact that Muslim fertility is declining in Tunisia is no consolation: all that will do, as in Turkey, is remove moderate Muslims from the equation too early in the game."
Mustafa: (sigh) Damn those moderates! Fools! Trojans! Oymen was right ...
Onur Oymen of the secularist Republican People’s Party recently denied that the secularist ralliers represented “moderate Islam.” He declared: “You can’t have democracy without secularism. The notion of moderate Islam to check radical Islam is nonsense. This idea being promoted by certain countries should be abandoned.”
Fatma: Time to re-enlist, old boy.

Are you going to let this happen to Australia?

The Turkey Paradox
One million rally for secularism, democracy
Can Turkey Resist Islamification?